"...Macedonio de la Torre is the sovereign owner of a truly original and grandiose esthetic."

César Vallejo


By Luis Enrique Tord
Macedonio de la Torre

Part I

(1893 - 1910)
Infancy (The Child King)

Macedonio and his generation were born during a transition period between two eras. First came Romanticism, with its steamboats, railroads, horses, ...

Trujillo a principios del siglo XX

Part II

(1910 - 1920)
University, Stay in Buenos Aires Group North

Macedonio remained in the Argentine capital for almost two years, from 1915 to 1917, surviving by engaging in the most exotic of trades, ...

macedonio en parís

Part III

(1920 - 1930) 
Marriage and Stay in Europe

During this intense decade, Macedonio affirmed his dedication to painting. Several other notable incidents took place at this time, ...

Part IV

(1930 - 1981) 
Life in Lima, Stay in New York (1959 - 1960)

In August of this year, the government of President Augusto Leguia fell and the country was submerged in a grave economic crisis...


Compilation of notable characters

An artist Trujillano in paris

Felipe Cossío del Pomar

The Creators of Indian-American -

César Vallejo

Notes on Art

Don Quijote (Carlos Solari)

An Artist from Trujillo in Lima -

 Alcides Espelucín

Macedonio de la Torre -

 Sebastián Salazar Bondy

Macedonio de la Torre -

 Interview by Manuel Jesús Orbegozo

Macedonio de la Torre -

Luis Enrique Tord

Macedonio de la Torre, 1893 -
in Pintura Contemporánea Peruana

75 years of a painter -

Edgardo Pérez Luna

Feudal Hell -

 Interview by Ernesto More

A Painter -

  Juan Manuel Ugarte Eléspuru

Macedonio, the grandfather -

 Bertha de la Torre de la Piedra

"I would like to dedicate this book to Adriana Romero de de la Torre, who delighted her nieces and nephews with her exquisite piano renditions of Liszt, Mozart and Chopin, and Víctor Macedonio de la Torre Romero, who provided enthusiastic and filial support for the culmination of this book."